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My Story: Pro Gallery

My Story

I was a chubby kid growing up. I had awesome parents who did their best to raise me, but they never gave me the tools to work through my emotions. So at a young age I turned to food to bury my anger, resentment, and fear of rejection.

I grew up playing sports and spent most of my time outside, but was always around 20 pounds overweight. I didn’t realize the damage my binge eating was doing to my body. I isolated myself, trying to fill the emotional void with food. And it worked - for a few hours. I was never as happy or satisfied as when I had total privacy and a huge plate of food all to myself - I felt safe.  Unfortunately, as you know that feeling doesn’t last. Every time I binged I woke up the next morning and stared at myself shirtless in the mirror. I would pinch my love handles or stomach and get so angry and embarrassed that I could barely stand it. I used to hate who I was, how I looked, and how powerless I felt. I didn’t understand why it kept happening. This went on for years.

Things got better in high school and college. Priorities shifted, and while the binging never went away, it slowed down. I scoured the internet to learn about portion control, macros, and more fun ways to workout (jumprope, sprints, weight lifting). But I was still unhappy with my body.

Things took a major turn after my junior year of college, I accepted an internship in a new city and used the freedom to work on myself. I read my first self development book, discovered Tim Ferriss’ Slow Carb Diet (a binge eater’s dream), and lost 20 pounds. I headed back to school for my last year full of energy and confidence - and my friends, the girls in particular, noticed. Immediately.

Fast forward a year, I got a job in a new city - and for the first time felt like I had full control over my life. It felt amazing. A few months later, Covid hit. Everyone was WFH and had a little too much free time. I had to adjust my workout routine from hitting the gym to home weight training, YouTube yoga sessions, and running.

After a few months, my frustration began to build, I thought I was doing everything right. I was following a hybrid of the slow carb / keto diet and working out 5 days a week, but never saw the results I wanted. I was still binging.

My eating habits kept me from seeing any real progress despite all the hard work I was putting in. Soon, I snapped - enough was enough. I decided to take total responsibility for my physique - I swore to myself that before summer I would have my dream body.

Starting in January of 2020, I got serious. No more slow carb, no more keto. Through a combination of intermittent fasting, counting calories, and consistency I lost 22 pounds in a little over 10 weeks. I built my nutrition protocol using everything I had learned since I started “dieting” at 15, and it worked.  I was shredded and finally had a real six pack.

I won.

By the end of May 2021 I lost all the weight I wanted, and started to fine tune my diet for optimal performance and energy levels. I went from an estimated 22% body fat to 7.5% body fat - and could do 25 STRICT pull ups in a row. I felt phenomenal.

That summer I took a beach trip with some college friends, they were SHOCKED. I was always the shy chubby kid, and now I couldn’t be bothered to put a shirt on. All week I fielded questions around my diet, workout plan, and two or three serious questions about steroid use. I’ve never felt so proud. After the trip, two of my friends asked me to help them lose the weight they’d put on since graduating. I walked them through exactly what I did, and more importantly - the mental framework I used to do it.

I helped them both lose ~15 pounds (and keep it off). After a little more fine tuning, I knew my system worked. I started helping my friends in back home, and am currently coaching ~ 17 guys.

Here’s the thing - everyone I’ve helped (including myself) knew how to lose weight. Eat less calories than you burn. The problem is, while the process is extremely simple - for a lot of guys it’s near impossible.

They know WHAT to do, but no clue HOW to do it.

The actual diet planning I do with my clients takes about 30 minutes on the phone. We go through basic principles, make a list of meals, and put together a plan based on their caloric needs. Then I share the mental framework I used to fix my relationship with food and stay consistent.

Everyone I’ve helped showed signs of binge eating and while they didn’t realize it at the time, they had a terrible relationship with food. My program is simple, but requires you to take total responsibility for your choices.

If you want to take control of your life, fix your relationship with food, and get shredded - stick around.

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