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TRFit Admin

There is No Tomorrow

Why do we push our goals to the next day, week, or year?

Most of us have a good idea of what we need to do in order to reach our goals. As complicated as we like to make things, life is really simple when you deal with the world as it is, instead of what you want it to be.

I spent years planning out the perfect diet, workout program, girlfriend, and friend group with the mindset of "once I have 7% body fat or make $150K a year I'll finally ask that girl out" or "once the weather is nice I'll actually stick to running every morning". Constantly thinking about how great life would be once circumstances were "right".

Unfortunately, there is no “future you” with the discipline to accomplish your goals. There is just the “you” right now. When you break it down, life is just the sum of your daily actions, those actions grow into habits which dictate the trajectory of your life. You can put off starting a program or putting yourself out there today, but that just strengthens the urge to put it off tomorrow, and so on. When you take action today, you build the required momentum to do it again tomorrow. Repeat that process for a few weeks and you’ve got a habit. Don’t wait for a “future you” that doesn’t exist. Start today.

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